How to Add a Course and Students in Echo 360 site

This tutorial is for instructors who do not use Canvas in their courses.  The part I shows how to add a course manually in Echo 360 site, and the part II shows how to add students manually in Echo 360 site.


Part I:  Adding a Course Manually in Echo 360 site

  1. Go to
  2. Under the “North/South America” section, select LOGIN.
  3. Enter Login information, and select Next.
    Note:  Use your UH email address which you created your PointSolutions account.
  4. In the “Current Courses section, select Create Manual Course.
  5. Enter course name in the field provided.
  6. Click Create.
  7. The course is added to the “Current Courses” section.

for the tutorial Part 1 steps 2 to 3.
for the tutorial Part 1 steps 4 to 7.

Part II.  Adding Students Manually in Echo 360 site

  1. Go to and Sign In to your account.
  2. Locate the desired course and click View.
    • The course opens on the “Content page.”
  3. Select Roster from the top navigation.
  4. Click Add Participants.
  5. Enter a valid UH email in the text box provided.
    • You must separate individual emails with tab, commas, or enter/return.
    • You may also paste from applications like Excel or a CSV.
  6. Click Add.
    Note:  The students will receive an email invite to join your course.

This image is for the tutorial Part 2 steps 1 to 6.