How to Add a Countdown Timer into PowerPoint Polling

If you want students to respond a polling question within a certain amount of time, you can add a countdown timer into the polling slide.  A countdown timer provides participants with a visual cue that polling is about to close as it counts down to zero. When the countdown expires, the countdown timer disappears and polling is automatically closed.


  1. Open up PointSolutions Software.
  2. Log into PointSolutions Account.
  3. In PointSolutions dashboard, click PowerPoint Polling.
  4. Click File > Open, select a PowerPoint Polling file.
  5. Select a Polling slide you want to add the countdown timer. Click PointSolutions tab > Objects > Countdown > select a desired countdown timer.
    Note:  Adjustable timer is recommended because it offer the flexibility of adding or reducing seconds during the polling
  6. The countdown timer location will be shown at the bottom right of the polling slide.
  7. To adjust the time, under the “PointSolutions” tab, click Side Panel.
  8. A slide panel is shown.  Scroll down on the Side Panel and click on the black triangle next to the “Counter Timer” to display the options.
  9. Enter a value into the “Countdown Seconds” box.
  10. To save the change, choose File > Save.

This image is for the tutorial steps 3 to 5.
This image is for the tutorial step10.