How to Create a Turnitin QuickMarks Set – New

  1. Click on the assignment name to access the Assignment Inbox page where you can see student submissions.
  2. In the Assignment Inbox page, select any student submission and click on the Similarity Score. This will bring up the “Feedback Studio” page.
  3. Click on the QuickMarks icon to open the QuickMarks side panel. You will see a list of built-in quick marks sets.
  4. If you want to use any of these QuickMarks, simply drag them onto the paper.
  5. You can also add them by clicking on the paper and selecting QuickMarks icon from the pop-up.
  6. If you want to add a QuickMark to a portion of text, select the text, let go, the QuickMarks icon will pop-up. You can also select a color to highlight the text.
  7. If you want to create a new QuickMark, click on the paper and select the bubble icon.
  8. Add the text and select Convert to QuickMark.
  9. It will prompt you to add a Title, select a Set, and Click Save.

 This image is for the tutorial steps 3-4..
 This image is for the tutorial steps 5-6.
 This image is for the tutorial steps 7-9..